JH English Monthly Writing Competitions – Helen Lin martydukebox
JH English Monthly Writing Competitions – Helen Lin
Our JH Monthly Writing Competition continues! We’re very pleased to share an article from our winning writer in December’s competition, ‘Charity Begins at Home’, which asked pupils to write an article on whether they agreed or disagreed with the statement, ‘One’s first responsibility is for the needs of one’s own family, friends, neighbourhood and city.’ We’re proud of our winners: Alex Mao (1st place) in Grade 9 and Helen Lin (runner up) in Grade 7. We welcome you to listen to Helen as she shares her perspective with Mr Carson on the writing process and reads her insightful article that details her experiences in charity within our own Huili community. We recommend you to reconsider your views on charity and ask yourself how you make a difference in others’ lives!
You could be on featured on Duke Box in the future too if you participate in our writing competitions!
Runner Up Article Below;
If first mention the word ”charity”, what comes into your head? Is it donating money to a charity organization? Yes, that is a type of charity, but for our age, as a teenager, we don’t have the power to really control money, so for me, I think that helping other people in my family, also doing something like thanking the people who helped not only our community, also even our province, our country, can be charity. And yes, in my life, I did something like this, and I felt really happy that I helped or thanked those people.
First, I think helping our family member is a type of charity. Just a few days ago, my aunt had some problem with her speaker. The speaker was used for their dancing after dinner. She was pressing on one button to make the speaker off, but it doesn’t work, so she asked me: “Helen, do you know how to turn this off?” and then I looked at the speaker, and pressed another button beside the button she pressed, and it turned off successfully. She thanked me and I said you’re welcome. Just a very small thing happened, just helped my family member, made my heart felling really warm. And I believe, that could be a type of charity.
Helping our community is also a type of charity. In the summer holiday of 2021, our choir held a concert-“the children on the ‘moon’”. It was a charitable performance. The main purpose of the concert was to thank the people who helped us during the covid-19 period. We even invited a famous doctor from Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital. We sang a song about thanking other people at last and gave flower to these people we invited. They were really great. Without them, maybe the virus trend in our city would be worse. It’s just thanking them, made me think we gave them warmth, so I think that this is also charity.
Charity, we don’t really need to donate money, but most importantly warmth. When everyone is happy, that is charity.