JH English Monthly Writing Competitions – John Li martydukebox
“JH English Monthly Writing Competitions – John Li”
Huili JH English Department are continuing to hold monthly writing competitions. February’s challenge, ‘Down With the Internet’, was to write a persuasive article to argue in favour of or in opposition to the following statement: “The internet is negatively impacting how we live our daily lives, forcing us to live in a virtual world rather than the real world.” We’re very pleased to have John Li from G9D with us today who earned first place in the competition! We welcome you to please listen to John as he interviews with Ms. Taylor and shares his perspective!
First Place Article Below;
Down With the Internet
By John Li
Nowadays, internet is inseparable from our daily life. Everything we do, and everything we use relates to the internet. We use WeChat to in touch with others, we make phone calls to talk to others which far away from us. Internet makes the world more convenient and closer. However, everything in the world has two aspects, one positive and one negative. Internet also in line with this rule. Is the internet bringing more positives for human or more negatives? Let’s find out.
To start off, let’s look at these data, ’people spent 6 to 7 hours on the internet every day for working and entertaining.’ We can analyse the data to get further information. Taking away the amount of time people sleep, we have 14 to 16 hours to do work or other things, therefore, the time people spend on the internet is around 37.5% to 50% of their daytime. This is not a good result. It suggests people are indulging with the internet. This is unhealthy both mentally and physically. When a children become an adult, they will have less time to do exercises, which are at the minimum time a person needs exercising a week. Meanwhile, the developing of the internet has let the situation become worse. People a sitting on the chair and staring at the monitor. This will cause RSI (repetitive strain injury), a word we use in ICT for physical damage to the body. Long time sit and lack of the movement could cause the backflow of the blood in the veins, which would be very dangerous, because you brain might not get much oxygen it needs to work. Besides, look at the monitor too long will cause short-sightedness, which would harmful and painful to do the treatments. As what I said before, the internet will not only effect physically but also mentally. Cyberbullying is not rare when we are using the internet. Because people on the internet are almost anonymous, so it is easier to type the unkind words on the internet rather than say it directly to a real man. This causes a huge number of the problems. Recording to the data of a survey, 56% of the user accessing internet is under-18 population. They are not able to recover by themselves, which might cause them to be depressed, despair and upset when they are being bullied.
All in all, even though the internet brings us a more convenient life, there are still a lot of problems of it. It is good to use the internet wisely to find the things you want, but be cautious, internet is like a merciless animal. If you give your back of it, it will hurt you deeply.
You could be on featured on Dukebox in the future too if you participate in our writing competitions! Our competition this month is “Information Leaflet on Qing Ming Festival.” We also have the “Wellington English Competition” across our Hangzhou, Tianjin, and Shanghai campuses.